Monday, November 2, 2009

What's wrong with loving a vampire?

Here's is yet another blog confession: I love the Twilight series!
And for this, I am teased and mocked. Particularly by the guys in my life.
My dear friend, who shall remain nameless, very openly scoffs at me whenever I bring it up (I won't mention, however, that he thinks the movie looks like it might be pretty good). I have known him to actually put in writing that the author is his least favourite author and he has tried to justify to me why he thinks that her writing is more or less an insult to literature, questioning how it got published in the first place. Now, I'm sure many people would stand up and fight for what they love, but I don't. I'm fairly convinced that if I could get him to start reading the books, he would probably be hooked (but deny it).
Then their's my boyfriend. I don't usually like to talk about him too much in my school work because I feel awkward and personally unprofessional, but I'm making an exception. Any time I mention the series around him, he starts in with this silly voice. "Ooooh. Scaaaary vampires that GLITTER in the sunlight." Or the classic "Twilight is heroine for girls. Go get your fix now."

They just don't understand.

I found a website called They review the "vampire genre and urban fantasy fiction," including books, authors and movies. It's a well layed out sight and covers a vast amount of vampire literature. In their words, "Twilight is simply and yet beautifully written. The descriptions of Forks leave you feeling like you can almost smell the damp air and hear the rain falling on the roof." They also really like how the stories are written in first person, from Bella's perspective, making Edward and his vampire family that much more mysterious. The twists, turns and secrets are revealed to the reader as they are revealed to Bella. Meyers' description of the scences are so well painted that any one with a sense of imagination can describe in full how the town of Forks apears and what the people, and not-so-people, are like. also gave the book 5 out of 5 stars, as well as the 3 books to follow in the series (Eclipse only received 4 1/2 stars. Oh, the tragedy!) To read the full review of Twilight, click on the vampire teeth \/\/.

I can understand why the fellers out there aren't interested in this series and why they think that girls that read it go crazy. It's because we do. I'm sure just by posting this blog, everyone who thought I was a big, macho, tough-as-steel sort of lady is quite disappointed and now thinks I'm a flake. Say what you will, I've more than likely already heard it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with vampire.



  1. At first I didn't want to read it cause it wasn't "cool" because I'm not 13 anymore, but then I picked one up one day and then I literally spent my summer reading twilight. SUPER excited for New Moon! Wanna go together?? My friends don't appreciate it ahaha

  2. if you want to read something about vampires, read something worthwhile like Ann Rice.

  3. I used to be embaressed that I like Twighlight, but not anymore!!

    Jessica, my friends and have been planning to go for a while! You should come with us! we're losers when it comes to Twighlight!!
